Swype Beta for Droid

Swype Beta for Droid

As described on Android Central, Swype has opened up their Beta for a limited number of new users, so go here to sign up if you want a chance try out this early version of Swype. I had heard Swype was a new method for entering text using the on-screen keyboard that...
Evernote for Android

Evernote for Android

Evernote, the popular note-, image-, sound-, and idea-storing program, was recently released for Android. I have used Evernote on my computer for a while to clip interesting web pages, to store family addresses, and to store code snippets to use as a computer...
TV.com App

TV.com App

I promise that even though I last posted about the TV Guide App, I don’t use my Droid primarily for television-watching purposes! I just wanted to write a quick post about the TV.com application I found recently because it is really neat. You can watch full...
How to take Screenshots

How to take Screenshots

You have probably already seen posts with screenshots of my Droid’s home screens and apps, and a few people have asked how I do that. I learned how to from knowyourcell.com and I’ll reproduce the steps here. Now, let me first tell you that this is not a...
How-To: Transfer Photos & Files

How-To: Transfer Photos & Files

Note – this file-transfer procedure is for Windows, I haven’t tried it on a Mac. I realized I had never backed up the photos on my phone, so I plugged my Droid into my computer using the combo USB/charger cable that came with it. I had already installed...
Handy App: TV Guide

Handy App: TV Guide

Do you have a TV that won’t display the “info” as you flip through the channels? Or maybe you have a remote-hogging hubby that won’t let you browse to see what’s on? Or maybe you’re out and wondering whether to hit another store or...

How-To: Droid Copy & Paste

Copying and pasting is easy on the Motorola Droid, but the way you do it is not obvious to new users. Here’s how! First, you can only copy text from an editable textbox. As far as I can tell, you can’t select random non-editable text unless the app...

How-To: Folder Manipulation

CraftLass’ post explaining folders on the Droid inspired me to organize my apps into folders – especially because since starting this blog I’ve been downloading and trying a lot of apps, and my slide-up app selector (don’t know the official...
In Case of Emergency

In Case of Emergency

My parents were good about drilling into my head that I should have safety equipment (flashlight, flares, etc.) in the car at all times, a first aid kit, and ‘Hot Hands‘ and a granola bar in the glove compartment in case I get stranded! I think I’m...
WordPress To Go

WordPress To Go

Note: This is the photo I uploaded from my phone. It ended up being put at the top of the post, FYI! This blog is built on WordPress so I downloaded an Android app called “wpToGo” just a few days ago so I could write drafts of articles from my phone when...

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