Android Phone for Women: Look & Feel

In this 2nd follow-up to our Android Phones for Women survey, let’s dive into what you thought about a “feminine” Android device, and how you thought an Android phone designed for us ladies should look: 71% of you are not offended by the idea of...

Sponsored Giveaway: DietPoint

DietPoint has approached us to offer WomenWithDroids readers a special giveaway! According to the publishers, DietPoint app (formerly Diet2Go) has the largest number of diet plans to choose from: 140 plans in 15 categories, complete with meal reminders and grocery...

App Review: DropSnap

DropBox is a file-syncing service that automatically uploads files from specified folders on a computer or device to the Dropbox servers, making your synced files available to any computer via the web or installed DropBox folder. If you don’t already use DropBox...

Female Faves: Communication Apps

This post is part of our series called “Female Faves”, where we pick a category of apps and feature the ones that are highest-rated and most-downloaded by women according to AppBrain’s “Popular Among: Women” filter. Since it would be difficult to fully test...

Android Phones for Women Survey: Follow-Up

You all did an awesome job filling out our “Android Phones for Women” survey, ladies! We have some really valuable data here. I think I must have hit a nerve with some of the questions, because we got really passionate answers — sometimes with polar...

Android Phones for Women Survey

This blog was started back when the original Droid was being marketed as a “not girly” phone – presumably, that was a bash at Apple’s style-over-power approach, but I believe it also kept some women from getting Android phones for a while. We...

Female Faves: Travel & Local Apps

This post is part of our series called “Female Faves”, where we pick a category of apps and feature the ones that are highest-rated and most-downloaded by women according to AppBrain’s “Popular Among: Women” filter. Since it would be difficult to fully test...

Gauge Battery Widget

I recently saw some screenshots of Android phone homescreens online that had hidden status bars, and I really liked the cleaner look. I already had a date and time widget on my homescreen (which I will tell you more about in a future post), and I use LauncherPro which...

Female Faves: Health & Fitness

This is the 3rd post in the “Female Faves” series, where we pick a category of apps and feature the ones that are highest-rated and most-downloaded by women according to AppBrain’s “Popular Among: Women” filter. Since it would be...

Deciphering Permissions: “Read Phone State and Identity”

Those of us that are wary about malware and viruses in software always say, “Read the permissions!”, meaning that you should really understand what you are giving the app permission to do when you install it. Google makes you click through an app’s...

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